Ideal Features of Knowledge Base Software
Knowledge bases are one of the main requirements for any business, especially from the customer service perspective. They are a storehouse of information. This information is valuable to the clients. When a website has a knowledge base, visitors can find information that they need by themselves. They may be looking for something specific, but they can benefit from all information related to what they are looking for. It is an important tool in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and saves the time of both the customer and the customer support staff.
Knowledge base software is a tool that is used to construct and manage knowledge bases and it goes without saying that the features and benefits of such software should give value for the money and time spent on using them.
So let's see what are the ideal features that a knowledge base software should have in it.
Knowledge Base Software Features
- First and foremost, the software should be easy to use. It should be easy to install, customize and use.
- Admin Control Panel with the ability to control who has access to what areas.
- Ability to set up workflows.
- Accessibility from any browser.
- Authentication of users from remote locations.
- No limit on user privileges.
- Ability to generate statistics and reports.
- Clear nomination of roles and privileges.
- No limit on content.
- Categorizing and tagging facility.
- Different ways of displaying categories and folders.
- Ease of use in categorizing and displaying articles from different folders.
- Easy to upload articles.
- Ability to add attachments to articles.
- Ability to designate articles as readable only by role specific users.
- Easy to make updates to articles.
- Easy to add images.
- Easy to print/export information.
- User friendly templates.
- Customized templates.
- Look and feel of knowledgebase should be changeable to suit the website design.
- Have a FAQ section about the knowledgebase and how to use it.
- Helpdesk.
- Ability to rate articles.
- Ability to share articles.
- Ability to comment on articles.
- A very good search feature.
- Helps to share information with employees, customers or partners.
- An extensive glossary.
- Ability to view latest and most popular articles.
- Provision for providing feedback, suggestions, asking questions.
- Password reminder facility.
- Admin that responds to feedback/questions effectively.
- Support in multiple languages.
- SEO friendly URLs and content.
An effective knowledge base software is one that incorporates all these features. When it is thus, it makes it worthwhile for both the business and the clients. It's not enough to have information. To provide this information in a structured and easily accessible fashion is the duty of good knowledge base software.