Google Maps jQuery Plugin - gMap

gMap is a lightweight (only 2kb) jQuery plugin for easily integrating Google Maps into any website. You can customize it in many different ways by passing a JSON object (containing various custom properties) to the GMap() function. You can specify location of your gMap object using longitude and latitude. Additional features include ability to specify which controls you want, enable or disable zooming with mouse scroll-wheel, custom marker image, multiple markers, custom viewport position, and zoom.

It can embed a map with a tiny function like:

gMap jQuery Plugin

gMap jQuery Plugin is very flexible, and can be customized further with settings like:
  • latitude/longitude
  • default zoom level
  • markers, their positions, info to display as a pop-up, custom marker images
  • mapping controls on/off & more.
There are a two requirements you need to meet before you can use gMap to display Google Maps on your website. First you need to sign up for a Google Maps API key. Second you need the jQuery library at least in version 1.3. To work with gMap, first you have to Download the latest version of gMap and include the Google Maps API along with jQuery and gMap in the section of your website. Don’t forget to replace “API_KEY” with your actual API key or the map won’t work when used on a real domain.

Creating map using this plugin is pretty simple, just select the new div element using jQuery’s selectors and call the gMap() function on it. Developed by Cedric Kastner; gMap jQuery Plugin is available for download under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. You can find further information about gMap jQuery plugin, demo & download at the links below.