Inventions and Discoveries

Inventions/Discovery Discoverer/Inventor County Year
America Christopher Columbus Italy 1492
Sea route to India (Via the Cape of Good Hope) Vasco-de-Gama Portugal 1498
Sandwich Islands (Now called Hawaiian Island Captain Cook England 1770
North Pole (Explored) Robert Peary U.S.A. 1909
South Pole (Explored) Amundsen Norway 1911
Solar System Planetary Motion Copernicus
Chemistry & Physics
Atom Bomb Rutherford England 1939
Electrical Battery Volta Italy 1800
Crescograph J.C. Bose India -
Crystal Dynamics C.V. Raman India 1928
Discovery of Oxygen J.B. Priestley England 1774
Dynamite Alfred Nobel Sweden 1862
Genetic Code Dr. Hargovind Khurana India 1968
Incandescent Bulb Edison U.S.A. 1860
Laws of Gravitation Newton England 1687
Lightning Conductor Benjamin Franklin U.S.A. 1759
Motorcar Manufacture Henry Ford U.S.A. -
Micro Film Dr. Fredric Germany -
Printing for the blind Louis Braille France 1829
Photography L. Daguerre France 1837
Photography (Colored) Gabriel Lippmann U.S.A. 1857
Photography (Roll Film) George Eastman U.S.A. 1888
Quantum Theory Max Planck Germany 1901
Radio-activity of Uranium Henri Becquerel France 1896
Radium Madame Curie Poland 1899
Sputniks (Artificial Earth Satellite) Russian Scientists Russia 1957
Theory of Relativity A. Einstein U.S.A. 1905
Telegraph Code Samuel Morse U.S.A. 1832
Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin England 1859
Telephone Graham Bell U.S.A. 1876
Wireless (Radio) G. Marconi Italy 1896
X-ray W.K. Roentgen Germany 1895
Aeroplane Wright Brothers (Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright) U.S.A. 1903
Alcohol thermometer Fahrenheit Germany 1709
Bicycle Macmillan Scotland 1842
Dynamo Michael Faraday England 1831
Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel Germany 1897
Engine (Railway) Stephenson England 1814
Fountain Pen Waterman U.S.A. 1884
Gramophone Edison U.S.A. 1877
Locomotive Power Steam (Principle of Steam Engine) James Watt Scotland 1764
Microscope Z. Jansen Netherlands 1590
Power-loom Cartwright England 1785
Printing Press Gutenberg Germany 1450
Pneumatic Tyres Dunlop Ireland 1488
Revolver Colt U.S.A. 1835
Sewing Machine Elias Howe U.S.A. 1846
Thermometer Fahrenheit Germany 1714
Transistor W. Shockley England 1958
Typewriter Soles U.S.A. 1868
Television J.L. Baird U.S.A. 1944
Telescope Galileo Italy 1609
Telstar U.S. Scientists U.S.A. 1962
Vaccination (Smallpox) Edward Jenner England 1796