JavaScript Tree Menu Component - jsTree Menu
jsTree is a cross-browser, free & flexible JavaScript tree menu component with various features. It can create the tree from predefined HTML, JSON or XML data. Different types of nodes (open, close, rename, create, delete) can be created & supports various callbacks (onchange, oncreate, ondelete, onload, etc.).

A great feature is async loading for creating dynamic trees by simply mentioning an URL for requesting data when needed.

Other features of jsTree:
- Drag & drop of nodes
- Multiple node selection
- Multilingual - same tree in as many languages as you like
- Ability to customize the look & feel
- Animated open/close of nodes
- Optional keyboard navigation
- Ability to move nodes between multiple trees
The javascript tree menu component can also work as a jQuery plugin.
Requirements: No Requirements
Compatibility: All Major Browsers
Online Demo