Medical Inventions and Discoveries

Banting – Insulin (a cure for diabetes)

Bernard Christian – Replacing the human heart

Brahmchari, U.M. – Cure of kala-azar fever

Domagk – Gerhard Johannes Paul Domagk was a German pathologist and bacteriologist. He is credited with the discovery of Sulfonamidochrysoidine, the first commercially available antibiotic and marketed under the brand name Prontosil, for which he received the 1939 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Fleming Alexander – Penicillin (in 1929)

Harvey ­ – Circulation of blood

Hahnemann – Founder of Homeopathy. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician, best known for creating the pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine called homeopathy.

Hopkins F. G. – Vitamin D

Jenner – Smallpox Vaccination

Koch Robert – Tubercle Bacillus

Laennec – Stethoscope

Lister, Lord – Antiseptic surgery

Pasteur Louis – Treatment of rabies, cure of hydrophobia

Ronald Ross – Malaria parasite

Salk Jonas E. – Anti-polio Vaccine

Simpson and Harrison – Chloroform

Waksman - Streptomycin