10 Password Strength Meter Scripts to Check Password Strength

Guiding users to have a strong password with the help of password strength meters, besides being an easy process, will help improve the security of the whole & show that the website pays attention to it.
Here are 10 password strength meter scripts for a better registration interface:
- Password Meter
Password Meter is a JavaScript function that checks the strengths of passwords with a well-defined algorithm and their website nicely displays how the strength is calculated. - Ultimate Password Strength Meter
The ultimate password strength meter is an improved version of this script. It that has a graphical interface (uses Prototype & Script.aculo.us) that shows the strength of the password entered. - Yet Another Password Meter
Based on the PasswordMeter script, YAPM is an improved version which enables you to measure the strength of your passwords and use the functions inside to adapt in your websites. - jQuery Password Strength Meter
Password Strength Meter is a jQuery plug-in that provides a smart algorithm for detecting a password’s strength. - JavaScript Password Strength Meter
With the help of regular expressions that checks the repeated characters, uppercase-lowercase usage, the string length & more, this password meter script generates a score for the password. - How to Make a Password Strength Meter Like Google?
Based on the code here, this is a JavaScript password meter . It displays the result with a color bar & an information text. - jQuery Password Strength Meter Plugin
This jQuery plugin calculates the password strength similar to the other solutions like checking the repeated characters, the amount of numbers, special characters used, etc. But with a difference takes into consideration the username value too. - Password Strength Field (A jQuery Plugin)
Using the Password Strength Field plugin, you can instantly add this functionality to a password field. It can be configured to have a custom "point system" where every variable can be defined. - PHP Password Strength Meter
A detailed tutorial on creating an Ajaxed password meter with PHP . This script checks the input at the server-side rather client-side. A JSON result (strength value) is returned from the Ajax request and according to that value, the strength of the password is displayed. - Password Strength Meter With ExtJS
This script is built with Ext JS framework and displays the password strength with an animated bar.
Aditional Password Strength Checking Resources
Password Strength Checking Tool
What sets this tool apart is that we have collected data on the most frequently used passwords which mean that if a user enters a password that is very common (and therefore likely easy to guess) we let them know so that they can avoid it. Also, it tells how much time it will take a computer to guess/crack the given password.