RiverStar Studio - Testing List Items
The following is a list of basic training lessons for RiverStar Studio. The lessons are intended to be followed in the order presented, however, they have been written in such a way that you are free to choose the topics of most interest to you.
- Lesson One The Basics - A simple introductory lesson to add a field to a page and compile the script.
- Lesson Two - Fields - Introduces a variety of fields that can be used in your scripts.
- Lesson Three - Branching - Describes how to configure always and conditional branches for your pages, as well as how to insert a branch action.
- Lesson Four - Actions - Presents four types of common actions that can used in your scripts.
- Lesson Five - Process Streams and Flows - Demonstrates how to organize your pages into logical streams of procedures using RiverStar Studio’s context-based approach to building scripts.
- Lesson Six - Workflows - Shows how to easily create visual representations of your scripts using RiverStar Studio’s workflow feature.
- Lesson Seven - Menus - Illustrates how to create and configure navigation menus within your scripts.
- Lesson Eight - Page Layouts - Shows how to create custom page layouts to give your scripts a custom look and feel.
- Lesson Nine - Advanced Fields - Introduces more fields that can be used to make your scripts more dynamic in nature.
- Lesson Ten - Matrices - Describes how to organize and manipulate data using RiverStar Studio’s matrix object.
- Lesson Eleven - Advanced Actions - Presents additional actions to control the behavior of your scripts.
- Lesson Twelve - Database Interface - Demonstrates how to connect your scripts with an external data source.
- Lesson Thirteen - WSDL Interface - Show how simple it is to incorporate web service functionality into your scripts.
- Lesson Fourteen - Settings - Covers a variety of settings available in the RiverStar Studio design-time environment.