Free JavaScript Date Picker - jsDatePick

Javascript Date PickerjsDatePick is a JavaScript date picker that uses DOM techniques to generate its HTML code. You can attach date picker as a popup or appended directly to the field. It does not rely on any JavaScript library and works in all major web browsers. With jsDatePick, you can have a popup date picker on your website in minutes.

It can appear by clicking an input field or directly appended into the target element and can be browsed quickly as months or years. The javascript date picker can be set to display a range of years or limited to today’s date. A selected date can be passed within the parameters which is useful when editing a date field. jsDatePick comes with 10 color schemes where new ones can be created.

jsDatePick is very simple and easy to implement. It allows users to quickly browse both years and months, and provide you the ability to set range for years. You can customize its look and feel via CSS or simply specify one of the available color schemes to match your design.

Developed by Itamar Arjuan; jsDatePick is available for download under GNU General Public License. You can find further information, demo & download on jsDatePick Website.

  1. Could not get this thing to work. Documentation vague at best.Oh