How Knowledge Management System Work?
The goal of knowledge management is to continually improve the operational processes of a business. Successful business knowledge management relies on several key factors. Business knowledge management refers to the process by which organizations manage and leverage knowledge. It involves the gathering, organization, access, dissemination and application of information. Knowledge management can increase employee productivity, creativity and innovation. Best methods for knowledge management vary from business to business and no method is all inclusive. You need to plan knowledge management initiatives carefully, as successful knowledge management relies on several key factors.
What is Knowledge Management?
Businesses profit from knowledge and so knowledge, and data, are considered an asset. Assets need to be managed and protected in order to sustain and grow a business. Knowledge is managed to make sure everyone is working from the same, accurate set of parameters, sharing information and learning and documenting their experience. There is not one way to build a knowledge management system. Each business must delve into the process of building its own knowledge management system.
Purpose of Knowledge Management System
Companies use knowledge management systems as important tools for organizing their information. Historically, information about things like processes, customers, inventory and products was either kept written down, or simply remembered by key employees. That system, however, is inefficient at best and disastrous at worst. Knowledge management systems ensure that every employee has access to the same knowledge, which improves redundancy.
Knowledge Management Process
A knowledge management system is typically created by a collaboration between the programmers and the future users of the software. The future users express their needs, the information that they will need access to, as well as the order in which the information should appear. The programmers design the software based on those requirements, and work with the users to ensure that it meets their needs. Once the software has been designed, it is populated with all the available data.
Applications of Knowledge Management
Knowledge management systems for use in customer service provide operators with a great deal of information about each customer. They can be designed to immediately pull up customer information based on the phone number the customer is calling from. Customer service systems can display open orders, billing information, previous inquiries, and any other pertinent information. Technical support personnel use knowledge management systems to assist in troubleshooting various types of problems. This type of knowledge management system can be programmed to work like a flowchart. With each question asked by the technician, and answered by the customer, the knowledge management system comes closer to a conclusion. Eventually, it displays not only the cause of the problem, but the steps to take to fix it.
Knowledge management systems have created an information technology environment in which most information is stored in databases, and accessed by computer. While this improves efficiency for common and predictable situations, and provides answers for everyday questions, there will always be times when human intervention is necessary.
What tools are required?
Knowledge management systems must be available at all times. Databases are often at the core of many knowledge management systems. Large companies incorporate products from Oracle, IBM, Microsoft and other companies that design integrated software for knowledge management. Software applications such as knowledge base software that interact with the databases can be custom designed or purchased off the shelf and modified to reflect a set of business processes. But the development of a knowledge management system goes far deeper than the software tools used to facilitate it. A commitment to understanding how the business works and what best benefits that business must be understood before choosing software.