Vaccines - Why Your Children Should Get Them?
There are a lot of things you can do to help keep your children healthy. One way to do that is to make sure your children receive all of their vaccines.
What are vaccines?
Vaccines help protect people from diseases that can cause sickness or death.
Isn't my baby too young for vaccines?
No, there are vaccines given to newborns. Newborn children get some natural immunity from their mothers. But this does not last long and leaves children at risk for many diseases.
How can I make sure my children get the vaccines they need?
Ask their doctor about vaccines. Most of the time, vaccines are given to children when you bring them in for a check-up. So it's important to go to all of your child's check-ups.
Should I worry if my children miss an appointment?
If your child misses an appointment schedule another one. When you get to the doctor's office, remind the doctor that an appointment was missed. Your doctor will know how to get your children caught up with their vaccines.
Is there any reason I shouldn't get my children vaccinated?
Vaccines help protect children from serious diseases. But vaccines are not right for all children. So be sure to ask the doctor if vaccines are right for your children.